Wednesday, April 23, 2003

There is nothing Spookier then a Dead Lil Girls!!!

I just watched Ghost Ship again. I saw it in the theater when it came out with my friends Eroc and his wife Julie. It was Spooky then and it was still spooky this time!!!!
If you have not seen this movie go rent it!!!!
Besides that I have been thinking about going back to shop to get a degree in Information Tech. I figure that it is about time I get my life together!!! I am sick of working nowhere jobs and not going any where. I think alot of it has to do with all the changes I have been making in my life as of late. I quit smoking and have been doing good at it for about a month now and any of you that know me that is pretty damn good!!! I have also been trying to eat better and thinking about working out to get healthy!! Ok you can all stop laughing :) But I do think going to college will be a good thing for me. Maybe I will finally get what I have always wanted........ Respect from my bosses!!!
We shall see. Either way a degree does give you some thing to bargin with at the table, Kinda like having an ace up your sleeve!!!

Wish me luck!!!

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