Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holding Pattern

Right now I am sitting at the shop watching "Dan in real life" and thinking about how i wish I was doing something else. I feel stagnant! Like a river that hasn't felt it's flow down stream in a long time. But how does one start flowing again after such a long time of being stagnant? Don't get me wrong I do like where I work and sometimes I even like the people that come here. But this is not my passion. There are days that I sit here and stare out the window and wish that I was out taking pictures and it makes me restless that I'm not! This feeling is killing my passion and pulling me into a black hole! I need to find the way to jump start my life and what I want to do with my life!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

And we're off!!

Well haven't been on in a couple of months because my pc was down. Ya got to love burning up a power supply editing photos. But that is in the past and I am back! So i figured i would post a photo I took while my pc was down! Enjoy!

It almost like he is looking at you and at any time might jump out of the screen at you!