Saturday, April 10, 2004

I thought this was America!

What is going on with this country? Every where you look these days there is a no smoking ban. Every state is trying to pass a law making it unlawful for us to smoke and this worries me. Last I checked you have to be eighteen to buy cigarettes and cigars. Isn't eighteen legal age to vote in this country? Isn't eighteen legal age to Die for your country? The answer is YES to both questions!!! But now they are trying to tell us that we ADULTS can not smoke in public!! That just is not right!! Next thing they are going to do is tell us that we can't smoke in our homes or cars! Then what are we going to do? We are letting the government have way too much say over what we do and our Lives!! We need to stand up for our rights as Americans!!! If we don't now who know where this country will end up!! So it is time to decide whether you are going to do some thing to save your Freedom or if you are going to sit on your couch and do nothing!!! You might not be a smoker but this is where it starts!! First they ban smoking, next it might be drinking, after that who knows. Maybe they will decide to ban video games or the internet!!!! It is up to us to keep the government in check and say whether we want them in our lives or not!!


Friday, April 09, 2004

A Cigar A Day

You know I love to sit back with a cold drink in one hand and a premo cigar in the other!!! I have found that nothing in this world relaxes me more then a good cigar. The taste of the smoke, The feeling of the wrapper, The calmness of just sitting there enjoying the moment. One day I hope to pass this enjoyment on to my son(when he is old enough) and show him that life is way to short and we should savor every moment. There is no better way to savor the moment like smoking a cigar!!!!