Saturday, September 11, 2004

Three Years

It has been three years since that tragic day.

In our busy lives of work, school, family and the other things we are constantly dealing with it is easy for us to forget that moment that time stood still. I know for this is true. But on this the third anniversary of 9/11/01 we should all stop and remember! Remember where we were the moment our country came under attack!! Remember how we felt seeing those planes crash into the towers and the Pentagon, Remember how our lives for a moment stopped in their tracks and most of all Remember the people that were lost in those crashes and when the towers fell!!!
I have always been pretty patriotic and seeing this happen with my own two eyes that day on tv made me truly understand what this country was made of!!! We did not back down, We did not run!!! We stood up one and all and United together!!! We proved to the rest of the world that Americans and America does not bow down to terrorists or any other militant group that tries to threaten us!!! Instead we fought back and Won!!!

What we need to remember on this day is that this has nothing to do with politics or elections! This has to do with us as a country standing strong against any one who tries to put us down!!
The police and firefighters that ran into those towers to save the people in there did not think of politics or the president!! They only thought of the people that were trapped inside the towers!!!
Many of those same police and firefighters lost their live saving people they did not know and they did it like Heros!!!

So please take a moment and Remember those that were lost and those that were never found!!

They say time heals all wounds........

I say We should NEVER let these wounds heal!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2004

I thought this was America!

What is going on with this country? Every where you look these days there is a no smoking ban. Every state is trying to pass a law making it unlawful for us to smoke and this worries me. Last I checked you have to be eighteen to buy cigarettes and cigars. Isn't eighteen legal age to vote in this country? Isn't eighteen legal age to Die for your country? The answer is YES to both questions!!! But now they are trying to tell us that we ADULTS can not smoke in public!! That just is not right!! Next thing they are going to do is tell us that we can't smoke in our homes or cars! Then what are we going to do? We are letting the government have way too much say over what we do and our Lives!! We need to stand up for our rights as Americans!!! If we don't now who know where this country will end up!! So it is time to decide whether you are going to do some thing to save your Freedom or if you are going to sit on your couch and do nothing!!! You might not be a smoker but this is where it starts!! First they ban smoking, next it might be drinking, after that who knows. Maybe they will decide to ban video games or the internet!!!! It is up to us to keep the government in check and say whether we want them in our lives or not!!


Friday, April 09, 2004

A Cigar A Day

You know I love to sit back with a cold drink in one hand and a premo cigar in the other!!! I have found that nothing in this world relaxes me more then a good cigar. The taste of the smoke, The feeling of the wrapper, The calmness of just sitting there enjoying the moment. One day I hope to pass this enjoyment on to my son(when he is old enough) and show him that life is way to short and we should savor every moment. There is no better way to savor the moment like smoking a cigar!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feelin down in the dumps

I have had the worst month in my life! January 21st I was fired from my job! A week later I filed for unemployment and a couple weeks after that I find out that I am not going to receive any payments because the place I had just got fired from was fighting it. So now I am in the middle of fighting them for my unemployment. It has been a little over a month since I was fired and Deena is having to pay all the bills(Which sux)!!! Also my trip to Texas looks like it is not going to happen!! I am so not happy about all this. Besides that stuff going I decided to start taking my photography classes again, but I am thinking there is no point. When I first started to think about photography and wanting to be photographer I was so passionate about it. But now I so little passion for any thing and so much fear in failing at another thing!! I don't think I could handle that again!! One failure in my life is enough and I have had more then that!!! I wish I could figure out how to find my passion again. I wish I could stop doughting myself about every thing!!! Do I have a future or am I just fooling my self? Is it time to just stop wanting a better life and just settle for what the world gives me? I don't know any more.